Glossary of Terms You May Hear
Arteriovenous malformation
Misconnection between the arteries and the veins
ASIA/ISCoS Exam and Grading System
System to describe spinal cord injury and help determine future rehabilitation and recovery needs. It is based on a patient’s ability to feel sensation at multiple points on the body and also tests motor function. Ideally, it’s first given within 72 hours after the initial injury.
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Potentially life-threatening condition caused by painful stimuli below the level of injury that the body cannot respond to because of non-functioning nerve cells (especially in people with complete tetraplegia). Symptoms include painful headache due to a sudden increase in blood pressure, slowed heart rate, increased or abnormal sweating, red blotches on the skin and restlessness. It’s important to be alert for causes, such as an overfull bladder, impacted stool, infected pressure ulcers or even ingrown toenails.
Complete injury
No function or sensation below the level of the injury
CT Scan (Computerized Tomography)
Provides doctors with more detailed information about spinal cord or brain damage than X-rays can show
Incomplete injury
Some sensory or motor function below the primary level of the injury
Healthcare advocate
A person who works directly for the patient or family for a fee, helping with paperwork, billing and management of post-trauma care
Internal or external bleeding caused by damage to ablood vessel
Motor Function
Ability to control muscles voluntarily and their resultant use
Motor Index Score (MIS)
A portion of ASIA/ISCoS exam that determines muscle strength of 10 different muscles on both sides of the body
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce computer-generated images. It can help identify blood clots, swelling or skull fractures that may be compressing the brain and/or the spinal cord.
A test using injected dye to help the doctor visualize your loved one’s spinal nerves more clearly. After the dye is injected into the spinal canal, X-rays and CT scans of the vertebrae can reveal herniated disks or other problems.
Occupational therapist
Skilled in helping individuals learn, or relearn, the day-to-day activities they need to achieve maximum independence
Paralysis, or loss of motion. It typically affects the trunk and both legs, but not the arms. This is usually a result of injuries at the thoracic and lumbar levels.
Doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation
Physical therapist
Treats disabilities that result from motor andsensory impairments
Recreational therapist (or therapeutic recreation specialist)
Helps patients discover the wide range of recreational options they may be able to participate in and trains them to do so
Rehabilitation nurse
Nurse with special training in rehabilitative and restorative medicine
Tetraplegia (also quadriplegia)
Paralysis from approximately the neck down. It results from injury to the spinal cord in the neck and is associated with total or partial loss of function in both arms and legs.
Sensory Index Score (SIS)
Part of ASIA/ISCoS exam that measures patient’s response to light touch and a pinprick in 28 points on each side of the body to determine what the patient can feel. Together, the SIS and MIS determine the patient’s level and severity of injury.
Vocational therapist
Helps people assess their job skills/readiness and return-to-work options
Produced by Shepherd Center and KPKinteractive in collaboration with the American Trauma Society, the National Spinal Cord Injury Association and the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.